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In-Home Care Trenton TN - Easy Ways to Help Your Senior Loved One Downsize
In-Home Care Trenton TN - Easy Ways to Help Your Senior Loved One Downsize

Easy Ways to Help Your Senior Loved One Downsize

Downsizing can be a hard experience for seniors. This can be easier with the help of in-home care providers who can provide comfort and companionship throughout this process.

As your senior gets older they may want to stay in the same home but they may need to shift rooms. They may need to consolidate their belongings and live on the bottom floors of their homes, they may need to move into a smaller one-floor apartment, or they may need to live with their adult children. Whatever they decide to do they will need to get rid of things, pass them down to the next generation, or donate items. This can be a hard experience for them and they may not want to let things go, this can be easier with the help of in-home care providers who can provide comfort and companionship throughout this process.

The Earlier The Better

Your senior loved one may not need to move, their house may be perfect for retirement and aging in place. If that is the case your loved one may not need to rush this process but the sooner they start the better. If there is no time limit and they start earlier they can take the time to really sort through things. When a senior starts this process earlier they can sit with in-home care to create piles, tell stories, donate things, and find the right home for objects. This can make the process a lot less stressful and give your senior full control of their belongings.

Keep It All Organized

When a senior is going through things and starts to make piles, they may have trouble keeping everything separated. In-home care can help your loved one by using totes that are clearly labeled. A senior can have one for each grandkid, a donate pile, and a trash pile which will help them keep it organized. Each item should be placed in a tote. Seniors who cannot move or see well can struggle to do this alone and that is when in-home care can help them easily.

In-Home Care Trenton TN - Easy Ways to Help Your Senior Loved One Downsize
In-Home Care Trenton TN – Easy Ways to Help Your Senior Loved One Downsize

Create a Save Pile

There should be a safe space meant for keepsakes and treasures that are dear to your elderly loved one. They may not be ready to part with certain things but they will want to keep these things still. This could be things like marriage photos, baby photos of kids and grandkids, or things they have collected from trips around the world. While they are aging in place they may still want to hang on to these things and that is okay. You should never force a senior to give up these personal possessions that mean so much. It could make downsizing more stressful than it needs to be.

Get The Family Involved

If grandkids or kids want anything a senior may be more likely to give an item to a family member. This will help them feel like it’s going to a good home while also downsizing their stuff. Getting a family involved is also one of the best ways to support a senior. This may not seem challenging for you but often giving things up and getting rid of things can be devastating for a senior especially when items hold so many memories for them.

If you or an aging loved one are considering In-Home Care Services in Trenton TN. please contact the caring staff at Senior Solutions Home Care. (731) 300-2300 

Senior Solutions Home Care is a Trusted Home Care Agency serving Jackson, Humboldt, Medina, Milan, Trenton, Brownsville, Madison County, and surrounding areas.


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