Senior Care News


A Day In The Life Of A Caregiver

For a caregiver, no two days are the same. Each care recipient has unique needs, schedules, and routines, which affects the amount of care he or she requires each day. For this blog post, let’s follow Caregiver Jane to learn how she typically spends her days!


7:30 am: Rise and shine! Caregiver Jane wakes up and gets herself ready. She drives to her care recipient’s home and wakes the person she cares for each day. She pays special attention to any personal care needs that need to be met first thing in the morning.

9:00 am: Caregiver Jane prepares breakfast for her care recipient and herself, and the two enjoy a meal together. Many care recipients take their morning medications during this time, so Caregiver Jane makes sure her care recipient does so now.

10:00 am: For anyone capable of light to moderate exercise, it is important to prioritize aerobic activity and physical fitness. Caregiver Jane takes her care recipient on a walk to get his or her blood flowing and keep his or her body moving. She likes to do this earlier in the day before the weather gets too hot for the care recipient to handle comfortably.

11:00 am: Caregiver Jane helps her care recipient travel to and from any doctor, dentist, or other appointments scheduled for that day, as well as to complete any other errands that need to be done.


12:00 pm: Caregiver Jane prepares a healthy lunch. She and her care recipient discuss their plans for the rest of the day while they eat. Caregiver Jane clears the table and helps her care recipient with other chores around the house.

2:00 pm: Nap time…for the care recipient, that is! Caregiver Jane helps her care recipient into bed and uses this time to finish up around the house, start preparing dinner, and more!

3:30 pm: Just as it is important to keep the body active, it is crucial to remain mentally active as well. Caregiver Jane plays a mentally stimulating card and board games with her care recipient to help the client stay sharp!

5:00 pm: If her care recipient is feeling up to it and the weather is nice, the pair take another walk for some fresh air before winding down for the day.


6:00 pm:Suppertime! Caregiver Jane prepares a well-balanced dinner and makes sure her care recipient takes all of his or her evening medications.

7:00 pm: After dinner is finished, it is time to relax and unwind. Caregiver Jane helps her care recipient find a good book to read, a TV show to watch, or light hobby to participate in. If her care recipient is suffering from Alzheimer’s and dementia, she helps him or her manage fleeting memories, confusion, and anxiety, as this time of day, is usually a particularly challenging time for those suffering from memory loss.

9:00 pm: Bedtime! Caregiver Jane assists with any nighttime personal care needs and helps her care recipient get into bed. If her care recipient has signed on for 24-hour care, she will stay overnight to provide hands-on assistance. If not, she heads home to begin her own nighttime routine. 

As you can see, caregiving is more than just an ordinary day job. Caring for another person is not easy, and those who are called to be caregivers deserve a giant “thank you” for their hard work and dedication to providing selfless and compassionate care for their clients. If you know a caregiver, show them your gratitude by offering to give them a hand! If you are a caregiver yourself, please know how grateful we are for everything you do! If you’d like to become a caregiver, click here! 

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