Public Health in the Age of COVID

The COVID-19 pandemic underscores the importance of public health initiatives in protecting the general population’s well-being. The stakes are even higher for the population segment we serve at Senior Solutions — adults, ages 65+ — who have been the hardest hit by COVID.
World Elder Abuse Day June 15, 2021

As our senior loved ones grow older, they become more mentally and physically frail and turn to family, friends, and home care providers for personal care services. Increasingly, seniors’ reliance on others is an opportunity for abuse and fraud. Everyone has a right to feel safe and to be treated with dignity and respect in […]
World Elder Abuse Day

As our senior loved ones grow older, they become more mentally and physically frail and turn to family, friends, and home care providers for personal care services. Increasingly, seniors’ reliance on others is an opportunity for abuse and fraud. Everyone has a right to feel safe and to be treated with dignity and respect in […]
How in-home care may be right for your family

Shannon Wright Special to SENIOR SOLUTIONS BLOG
Helpful Apps for Seniors

Advances in modern technology and electronic devices make the lives of people in all age groups easier and more convenient. Many older adults have become tech savvy and take advantage of the technology, which includes both iPhone and Android devices. There are several free* and easy-to-use apps available that seniors may want to consider using.
Tips for Seasonal Allergies

How Non-Emergency Medical Transportation Can Help Your Family

Seniors often lose some of their mobility and quick reflexes as they get older, making it more difficult for them to drive their car. It can feel hopeless to lose the ability to drive, especially because it feels like losing their independence to come and go as they please. That’s why Senior Solutions Transportation is […]
Seniors and Cancer: Five Facts You Should Know

Cancer touches almost everyone around the globe at some point in their lives, whether it affects them personally or hurts someone they know and love. Seniors over the age of 65 are especially susceptible to cancer, but unfortunately, they don’t always have the knowledge or resources they need to take care of themselves after they […]
Senior Skin Care: 5 Tips for Aging Skin

Wrinkles. Crow’s feet. Sun spots. Dark circles. Every part of our body shows signs of aging in its own time, but for many of us, our skin is one of the first things to show the physical aging process. Beyond just the physical signs of skin damage, it’s so important that we take care of […]
7 Tips for Caregivers: A Guide to Senior Nutrition

It’s easy enough to know what seniors should eat to stay healthy and manage their health conditions, but it’s not-so-easy to put those nutrition plans into action. Seniors are dealing with many things in their lives that affect their nutrition, including decreased activity and appetite, a smaller taste palate, and health conditions that might restrict […]