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Companion Care at Home Fort Sanders TN - Ways Companion Care at Home Helps Elders Feel Less Anxiety
Companion Care at Home Fort Sanders TN - Ways Companion Care at Home Helps Elders Feel Less Anxiety

Ways Companion Care at Home Helps Elders Feel Less Anxiety

Companion care at home services are one of the best assets for aging men and women who may be struggling to get through each day.

Imagine, if you will, suddenly finding yourself at home, alone, and struggling just to get out of bed. Maybe the problem is keeping your feet solidly beneath you and your balance as you move throughout the day. Guess what? You might be feeling just like an aging senior who is dealing with any number of health issues at the moment. They might not know how to ask for help or even where to get it. Companion care at home services are one of the best assets for aging men and women who may be struggling to get through each day. Even if the days are fine, they may have difficulty at night or during the evening when they are getting ready to wind down and go to bed.

Anxiety is a result of prolonged stress. A person who suddenly finds themselves having difficulty going up and down stairs, getting out to the store or even behind the wheel of their car after all these years, or who gets confused easily and isn’t sure what they were doing or going to do when they step into a room in the house is going to be stressed. They’re going to feel anxiety.

Below are four ways that companion care at home can helps seniors feel less anxiety in daily life.

First, it offers companionship.

Just knowing somebody is there can be a great relief to aging men and women. Even if the companion care at home aide is not there with the senior in the morning because they are not scheduled to be there, knowing that they are coming later in the morning or afternoon or evening can offer assurance to a senior who struggles with certain tasks throughout the day.

Second, home care can help monitor medications and dietary restrictions.

One thing some seniors may struggle with is keeping track of their prescription medications or what foods they are supposed to eat or avoid. There’s so much to take in and worry about during these golden years of life, but a companion care at home aide can help to alleviate some of this stress.

That home care provider can keep track of medications (if they are properly licensed), prepare healthy meals, do the grocery shopping or help the senior do that, and much more. That can be a huge load off that senior’s shoulders.

Companion Care at Home Fort Sanders TN - Ways Companion Care at Home Helps Elders Feel Less Anxiety
Companion Care at Home Fort Sanders TN – Ways Companion Care at Home Helps Elders Feel Less Anxiety

Third, they can evaluate safety issues within the home.

When you are not able to do the same things that were once easy, when going up and down the stairs gets you out of breath quickly, what other things around the house can be potentially dangerous? Could a simple bag that was dropped by the front door and forgotten about (instead of being put away) be a tripping hazard?

An experienced companion care at home provider would be able to evaluate the safety in the home and offer suggestions on how to improve safety or help keep walking areas clear to minimize tripping hazards.

Fourth, they can encourage the senior to be as active as they can be.

Many seniors give up activities because they worry about their safety. That is only going to increase anxiety and not improve their strength or balance or stamina. And while family members and friends may offer that same type of encouragement, some seniors won’t listen to them, but they will listen to somebody who says it under the guise of professional experience.

If you or an aging loved one are considering Companion Care at Home Services in Fort Sanders TN please get in touch with the caring staff at Senior Solutions Home Care. (865) 539-5224

Senior Solutions Home Care is a Trusted Home Care Agency serving Knoxville, Old City, Fort Sanders, Old Sevier, Edgewood, North Knoxville, Forest Heights, Sequoyah Hills, Knox County, and surrounding areas.


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