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Elder Care Old Sevier TN - Elder Care Makes Medical Appointments Less Scary
Elder Care Old Sevier TN - Elder Care Makes Medical Appointments Less Scary

Elder Care Makes Medical Appointments Less Scary

Seniors typically need to see a lot of doctors for regular appointments, screenings, checkups, or to help manage chronic conditions. Learn why they are stressed.

If you take care of your senior parent but you also have a full-time job it can be tricky to get your senior mom or dad to all of their medical appointments. Many people have jobs that don’t offer unlimited PTO, and you may not always be able to take a day off from work to take your mom or dad to an appointment. Elder care services can help.

If your mom or dad has elder care they won’t have to go to their medical appointments alone, and you won’t have to take time off work to take them. An elder care provider can take your mom or dad to their appointment, stay with them through the appointment, and then make sure they get safely home again.

An elder care provider can also go to the pharmacy and pick up medications or go to the drugstore for over-the-counter medical supplies or supplements if needed. But the biggest advantage of having an elder care provider take your senior parent to the doctor is that it will reduce the stress of going to the doctor for your mom or dad.

Why Seniors Find Medical Appointments Scary Or Stressful

Seniors typically need to see a lot of doctors for regular appointments, screenings, checkups, or to help manage chronic conditions.

Those appointments can be scary or stressful for your mom or dad because:

Parking Lots And Walkways

Your senior parent may need to walk across a busy parking lot, climb stairs, and up and down long hallways to get to the medical office where their appointment is. If your mom or dad typically doesn’t leave the house and they’re not used to walking long distances it can be scary to walk that much.

With elder care, they will have physical support if they need it so that getting around is easier. A care provider can encourage them to sit down take a break or get them a wheelchair if necessary.

Finding The Office

Finding the right medical office in a large office complex or hospital can be confusing for everyone, especially for seniors. And there are not always people to ask for help. A care provider can make sure that your senior parent gets to the right office on time for their appointment.

Insurance Issues

in for an appointment can be confusing for seniors. A care provider can make sure that your mom or dad has their insurance card and that they have all the paperwork they need for their appointment. Then the care provider can wait with your mom or dad so they aren’t sitting alone in the waiting room.

Elder Care Old Sevier TN - Elder Care Makes Medical Appointments Less Scary
Elder Care Old Sevier TN – Elder Care Makes Medical Appointments Less Scary

Making The Most Of The Appointment

These days medical appointments are fast and time with the doctor is very limited. Your senior mom or dad may forget to ask important questions or take notes about what the doctor says. A care provider can take a list of questions that you’ve written down to the appointment so that you can get your questions answered. And they can make sure that any issues your mom or dad is having are addressed by the doctor.

If you or an aging loved one are considering Elder Care Services in Old Sevier TN please contact the caring staff at Senior Solutions Home Care. (865) 539-5224

Senior Solutions Home Care is a Trusted Home Care Agency serving Knoxville, Old City, Fort Sanders, Old Sevier, Edgewood, North Knoxville, Forest Heights, Sequoyah Hills, Knox County, and surrounding areas.


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