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Personal Care At Home Old City TN - How To Talk To Your Mom About Personal Care At Home
Personal Care At Home Old City TN - How To Talk To Your Mom About Personal Care At Home

How To Talk To Your Mom About Personal Care At Home

Use these tips to have a productive, compassionate, and empathetic conversation with your mom about getting personal care at home to help with hygiene.

Part of taking care of a senior parent is having some awkward conversations. As your mom gets older there will be times when the two of you have to talk about some things that can be uncomfortable for both of you. One of the most awkward topics that children have to discuss with their senior parents is hygiene. As seniors get older they may have trouble getting clean, brushing their teeth, brushing their hair, and putting on clean clothes each day. If you have noticed that your mom is looking unkempt, wearing the same clothes often, getting mats in her hair, or showing other signs of struggling with hygiene it’s time to talk to her about getting personal care at home services.

Personal care at home is specialty care for seniors to specifically help them shower, brush their teeth, get in and out of bed safely, get dressed, and manage their hygiene and appearance.

Use these tips to have a productive, compassionate, and empathetic conversation with your mom about getting personal care at home to help with hygiene:

Choose the Right Time and Place

Find a calm, private, and comfortable setting for the conversation. Make sure you both have enough time to talk without feeling rushed. Pick a time when your mom is well-rested and in an open and calm mood.

Express Your Concerns with Empathy

Start by expressing your love and concern for her well-being. Use “I” statements to avoid sounding accusatory. For example, “I’ve noticed that it seems more difficult for you to keep up with personal care, and I’m worried about your health and comfort.” Don’t be accusatory or rude. Don’t embarrass her.

Listen to Her Feelings

Give her a chance to express her feelings and concerns. Listen actively and acknowledge her emotions. This shows respect for her perspective and helps build trust.

Highlight the Benefits of Personal Care At Home

Focus on the positive aspects of having personal care at home. Explain how it can improve her quality of life, health, and comfort. For instance, “Having a caregiver can help you feel more comfortable and ensure you’re staying healthy.”

Involve Her in the Decision-Making

Encourage her to participate in the decision-making process. Discuss different options and ask for her input on what kind of help she would prefer. This can help her feel more in control and less resistant.

Suggest a Trial Period

Propose starting with a trial period to see how it goes. This can make the idea less daunting and give her a sense of security that the arrangement can be adjusted if it doesn’t work out.

Reassure Her Independence

Emphasize that personal care assistance is meant to support her independence, not take it away. Explain that caregivers are there to help with specific tasks that have become challenging, allowing her to focus on the activities she enjoys.

Personal Care At Home Old City TN - How To Talk To Your Mom About Personal Care At Home
Personal Care At Home Old City TN – How To Talk To Your Mom About Personal Care At Home

Be Patient and Supportive

Understand that this might be a difficult conversation and she might need time to accept the idea. Be patient and continue to offer your support and understanding.

Example Conversation Starter:

“Mom, I love you and want to make sure you’re as comfortable and happy as possible. I’ve noticed that some daily tasks, like personal care, seem to be getting harder for you. I think having a little extra help at home could make things easier and more enjoyable for you. We could start with just a few hours a week and see how it goes. What do you think?”

Remember, the goal is to have an open, honest, and respectful dialogue that prioritizes her feelings and needs.

If you or an aging loved one are considering Personal Care at Home Services in Old City TN please contact the caring staff at Senior Solutions Home Care. (865) 539-5224

Senior Solutions Home Care is a Trusted Home Care Agency serving Knoxville, Old City, Fort Sanders, Old Sevier, Edgewood, North Knoxville, Forest Heights, Sequoyah Hills, Knox County, and surrounding areas.


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