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In-Home Care Old City - Keeping Your Loved One Healthy with Diabetes
In-Home Care Old City - Keeping Your Loved One Healthy with Diabetes

Keeping Your Loved One Healthy with Diabetes

Knowing the basics of diabetes and how to manage it can help you provide your senior the care he needs to enjoy life to its fullest despite the diagnosis.

If your elderly loved one has diabetes, he can still live a very active and healthy life. Knowing the basics of the disease and how to manage it can help you provide him the care he needs to enjoy life to its fullest despite the diagnosis. You might also find having someone else help with in-home care services can be a great asset to your loved one’s management of the disease as well as giving you needed help occasionally.

Here are seven important steps to helping your loved one manage his diabetes.

Take medications regularly and consistently. If your loved one’s doctor has recommended any medications to help your loved one manage his diabetes or any other related conditions, he must take his medication even if he feels great. If you’re not there to manage this (and he struggles with it), having an in-home care provider help with reminders can keep him on track.

Eat well. Gone are the days of fried foods for every meal. Your loved one should make healthy food choices by planning ahead, having plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables in the home, and eliminating temptations from the home. His in-home care provider can help him prepare meals that will keep his insulin levels under control.

Learn coping skills. Your loved one may feel many emotions regarding his diagnosis. Having a counselor, small group, or some other people who fully understand what it means to live with diabetes can be a good way for him to process his emotions and learn to cope with them.

Stop smoking. Smoking raises blood sugar levels, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels. By quitting, your loved one can reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke, nerve disease, kidney disease, and oral disease. If your loved one has smoked for decades, this can be a tough lifestyle change so providing resources for support and assistance is key to his success.

Get moving. Another important lifestyle decision for managing diabetes is having a daily routine for exercise. The goal is to start with getting at least 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week. Finding something your loved one enjoys doing will help him stay with it and not get bored. He might find having his in-home care provider join him on walks around the neighborhood can keep him motivated. His caregiver could also help with driving him to the gym or senior center to get him moving as he should.

In-Home Care Old City - Keeping Your Loved One Healthy with Diabetes
In-Home Care Old City – Keeping Your Loved One Healthy with Diabetes

Check his feet. With diabetes, it’s important for daily foot checks for blisters, cuts, red spots, or swelling. Any of these should be examined by a doctor right away. If your loved one is unable to see his feet well, enlist help from his in-home care provider.

Brush and floss daily. Healthy oral care is important for those with diabetes.

Following these seven steps can help your loved one manage his diabetes, avoid complications, and live a rewarding, active life.

If you or an aging loved one are considering In-Home Care Services in Old City TN please contact the caring staff at Senior Solutions Home Care. (865) 539-5224

Senior Solutions Home Care is a Trusted Home Care Agency serving Knoxville, Old City, Fort Sanders, Old Sevier, Edgewood, North Knoxville, Forest Heights, Sequoyah Hills, Knox County, and surrounding areas.


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