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Elder Care Forest Heights TN - Tips To Help Your Senior Parent Quit Smoking
Elder Care Forest Heights TN - Tips To Help Your Senior Parent Quit Smoking

Tips To Help Your Senior Parent Quit Smoking

Even if your senior parent has been smoking for years quitting is the right choice. Some other things that you can do to help are discussed here.

Helping your senior parent quit smoking is a fantastic way to support them as they get older. Smoking is one of the worst things that seniors can do for their health.  Often seniors who have been smoking for many years think that it doesn’t matter if they quit because the damage is already done. But that’s not true. Quitting smoking can significantly decrease your senior mom or dad’s chances of developing COPD, lung cancer, and other respiratory illnesses. One thing that can help them stop smoking is having elder care services.

Even if your senior parent has been smoking for years quitting is the right choice. Just a couple of weeks after your senior parent stops smoking, they will start to notice that they feel much better.

However, quitting smoking can be very difficult. Your mom or day may have tried to quit before and been unsuccessful. If your mom or dad has elder care someone will be in the house with them all day to make sure they aren’t smoking. And, with elder care, your senior parent won’t be bored or lonely, which are two things that make seniors want to smoke.

Some other things that you can do to help your senior parent quit smoking are:

Provide Support and Encouragement

Let your parent know that you’re there for them every step of the way. Offer emotional support and encouragement as they navigate the challenges of quitting. Remind them of the benefits of quitting, such as improved health and increased energy. And look into elder care, because having a care provider in the home can help.

Help Them Find Resources

Research smoking cessation resources available in your area or online. This could include support groups, counseling services, or smoking cessation programs. Provide them with information about these resources and make an appointment with their doctor. Their doctor can talk to them about medication and help them decide if medication is a good choice for them.

Explore Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT)

Nicotine replacement therapy, such as nicotine patches, gum, or lozenges, can help alleviate withdrawal symptoms and cravings. At the doctor’s appointment ask the doctor if nicotine replacement therapy products like patches or gums would be appropriate for your mom or dad.

Elder Care Forest Heights TN - Tips To Help Your Senior Parent Quit Smoking
Elder Care Forest Heights TN – Tips To Help Your Senior Parent Quit Smoking

Create a Smoke-Free Environment At Home

Help your senior parent create a smoke-free environment in their home and car. Remove ashtrays, lighters, and any other smoking paraphernalia. Clean the house thoroughly and make sure there are no hidden packs of cigarettes or other smoking tools around the house.

Encourage New Hobbies

Encourage your senior parent to adopt a new hobby to replace smoking. Hobbies that involve making things with their hands like sewing, needlecraft, woodworking, or painting can help seniors quit smoking by giving them something to do with their hands. Hobbies that engage seniors physically and mentally can help cut down on the desire for a cigarette and help seniors quit smoking.

If you or an aging loved one are considering Elder Care Services in Forest Heights TN please contact the caring staff at Senior Solutions Home Care. (865) 539-5224

Senior Solutions Home Care is a Trusted Home Care Agency serving Knoxville, Old City, Fort Sanders, Old Sevier, Edgewood, North Knoxville, Forest Heights, Sequoyah Hills, Knox County, and surrounding areas.


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