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Home Care North Knoxville TN - Tips To Keep Seniors Safe Living At Home
Home Care North Knoxville TN - Tips To Keep Seniors Safe Living At Home

Tips To Keep Seniors Safe Living At Home

In addition to getting home care for your senior parent some things that can be done to keep seniors safe at home are discussed here.

Safety is something that many family members worry about when a senior parent wants to age in place. And even though seniors can live safely and comfortably at home with a few precautions family members are right to worry about safety. One of the best things for family members to do is get home care services for their mom or dad.

As seniors get older there is a higher risk that they will fall in their home. Or, suffer a medical event like a heart attack or a stroke. Or even become the victim of a property crime. There are many reasons why family members should take the safety of their senior parent seriously. But there are also many things that family members can do to help make sure that their senior parent is as safe as possible living at home.

Home care is available around the clock. Seniors who have medical conditions that make them vulnerable to strokes or heart attacks can have a care provider with them 24 hours a day. Other seniors may just need daily home care visits. Home care is flexible and customized to meet the needs of your mom or dad.

In addition to getting home care for your senior parent some things that can be done to keep seniors safe at home are:

Fall Prevention Measures

Taking fall prevention measures and making the home as senior-friendly as possible is one way to keep a senior parent safe at home. This includes removing tripping hazards such as loose rugs and clutter, installing grab bars and handrails in bathrooms and stairways, improving lighting, and using non-slip mats in the bathtub and shower.

Medication Reminders

Seniors often take multiple medications, which can lead to confusion or errors. Medication reminders are a great way to make sure that your senior parent is taking the medication they need to take the way that they are supposed to take it. Home care providers can remind your parent when to take medications.

Create An Emergency Response Plan

Seniors should have an emergency response plan in place in case of accidents, medical emergencies, or natural disasters. This includes keeping important phone numbers handy, such as those for emergency services, family members, and healthcare providers. Seniors may also benefit from wearing a medical alert device that allows them to call for help in an emergency.

Home Care North Knoxville TN - Tips To Keep Seniors Safe Living At Home
Home Care North Knoxville TN – Tips To Keep Seniors Safe Living At Home

Install Home Security Measures

Ensuring that the home is secure can help protect seniors from intruders and accidents. This includes installing locks on doors and windows, using motion-sensor lights to illuminate outdoor areas, and considering a home security system with features like doorbell cameras and remote monitoring.

Home security cameras can also be used inside the home to check on your senior parent. Using cameras is a great way to get eyes on your mom or dad so you know they’re ok. If your mom or dad does fall or have an accident, you will be able to see they need help even if they aren’t able to get to a phone.

If you or an aging loved one are considering Home Care Services in North Knoxville TN please contact the caring staff at Senior Solutions Home Care. (865) 539-5224

Senior Solutions Home Care is a Trusted Home Care Agency serving Knoxville, Old City, Fort Sanders, Old Sevier, Edgewood, North Knoxville, Forest Heights, Sequoyah Hills, Knox County, and surrounding areas.


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