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In-Home Care Lakeland TN - Family Caregivers Can Hire Professional In-Home Care
In-Home Care Lakeland TN - Family Caregivers Can Hire Professional In-Home Care

Family Caregivers Can Hire Professional In-Home Care

One of the many reasons why more family caregivers are turning to professional in-home care agencies for the support their elderly loved ones need is the value those in-home care aides bring.

It’s easy to get overwhelmed, especially when you’re sacrificing so much of your time and energy for a specific cause. If that cause is your elderly mother or father, for example, and they need constant care, you may feel like there’s nothing you can do. There is. In-home care support through an agency is one of the better options to consider.

Yes, your mother or father or other loved one wants you to take care of them. They expect you to support them. They may have even said something to the effect of, “Don’t pawn me off to some outsider!” Comments like that can cause a person to shut down, give up, or not even look at other options. You may feel trapped. As a family caregiver, you must understand how difficult this job is.

It is a job.

This is one of the preeminent things most family caregivers fail to recognize or realize when they first take on this huge responsibility: that it is a job. They think it’s a duty. They think it’s just something they can do in their free time. They think it’s something they’ll do after work on their way home.

You can, certainly, but once you begin to recognize that it is a job, you begin to understand how challenging it’s going to be in your life. A job requires you to show up at a specific time. Whether it’s the same time every day or at designated shifts that may change from one day to the next, what happens if you’re late to a job?

Usually, you’ll get reprimanded, and warned, and, if the offense repeats itself over and over, you could be terminated. What happens, though, for the family caregiver who doesn’t show up when he or she says they’re going to? What if they don’t do what they are tasked with to support this aging senior?

They don’t get fired, do they? Of course not. But is that doing this senior any justice? It may be helping to some degree, but it may also be doing a disservice in many other aspects.

How can you turn to in-home care for help?

Sit down and talk to the aging senior you’re supporting and explain the challenges you face each day. Talk about the extra stress this is adding to your life, your limits when it comes to time, and your inability to figure out the right things to do for him or her.

In-Home Care Lakeland TN - Family Caregivers Can Hire Professional In-Home Care
In-Home Care Lakeland TN – Family Caregivers Can Hire Professional In-Home Care

Tell them that turning to in-home care isn’t pawning them off on somebody else, but increasing the support they have available to them. For example, you might not have time to stop by your mother’s house in the morning on your way to work because you have to get the kids ready for school, but you have time in the evening. An in-home care aide through an agency could be there for those morning hours.

This is one of the many reasons why more family caregivers are turning to professional in-home care agencies for the support their elderly loved ones need, and it’s also the reason more aging seniors are recognizing the value those in-home care aides bring to their lives.

If you or an aging loved one are considering In-Home Care Services in Lakeland TN please contact the caring staff at Senior Solutions Home Care. (901) 300-8576

Senior Solutions Home Care is a Trusted Home Care Agency serving Memphis, Germantown, Collierville, Lakeland, Hernando, Olive Branch, Arlington, Atoka, Southaven, Bartlett, Marion, Shelby County, and surrounding areas.


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