Senior Care News​

Insightful news articles with health tips and general senior education.  We will also be sharing company news and senior events you that could benefit you and your loved ones.

Read Senior Care News by Senior Solutions

Holiday Activities For The Whole Family

Although the holidays can sometimes become stressful, confusing, and lonely for seniors, they certainly don’t have to be! Kids from one to 92—and beyond—can find


7 Reasons to Keep Your Parent at Home

According to a study conducted by AARP, nearly 90% of seniors want to stay in their homes for as long as possible. Adult daughters and


Tips For A Safe And Happy Holiday Season

Support Your Senior’s Safety and Happiness During The Holidays For seniors, the holiday season means abrupt changes in routine, decor, diet, and more that can


Easing Seniors Through Transitions In Aging

Support Seniors Through Their Transitions As they age, seniors face several age-related transitions. For those who are still accustomed to an independent lifestyle, asking for


Caring For Disabled Veterans

Imagine yourself at eighteen years old. One day you’re working on your parent’s farm in Tennessee, and the next you’re drafted to serve in World

How To Perform A Breast Self-Exam

Did you know that 40% of breast cancer cases are detected at home? We encourage you to prioritize a regular breast self-exam, not only for

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