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Personal Care at Home Hernando TN - Signs Your Senior Parent Needs Personal Care At Home
Personal Care at Home Hernando TN - Signs Your Senior Parent Needs Personal Care At Home

Signs Your Senior Parent Needs Personal Care At Home

If your parent doesn’t want to talk to you about hygiene issues, be on the lookout for these signs here that your senior needs some hygiene help.

When you’re taking care of a senior parent you will likely have to have some awkward conversations with your mom or dad sometimes. One of those awkward conversations is usually about hygiene and personal care. One way that you can remove the awkwardness is to get personal care at home services for your mom or dad.

Even if your mom or dad is relatively healthy age-related issues like low vision, diminished mobility, and poor balance can make it difficult for your senior parent to shower and take care of other hygiene issues safely.

Many parents try to avoid talking to their children about hygiene issues at all costs. So even if your mom or dad is having trouble taking care of their hygiene they might not mention it to you.

If your mom or dad has personal care at home a trained care provider that has experience helping seniors with delicate tasks like showering or washing their hair will visit regularly to help them. With personal care at home, your mom or dad will look and feel their best without having to ask you for help.

If your mom or dad doesn’t want to talk to you about hygiene issues but you’re worried about their ability to perform hygiene tasks for themselves be on the lookout for these signs that your senior parent needs some hygiene help:

Unpleasant Body Odor

One of the first signs that your parent might need help with hygiene is a noticeable body odor or unkempt appearance.

If their clothes are dirty, their hair looks greasy, or their teeth don’t seem brushed, it could mean they’re struggling to maintain their routine.

Sometimes, seniors avoid bathing because it feels too difficult or tiring. If you notice that your mom or dad doesn’t look as clean or well put-together as usual it’s probably time for personal care at home.

Fear or Avoidance of Bathing

Some seniors develop anxiety about bathing, often because they’re afraid of slipping or falling in the bathroom. They might hesitate to use the shower or make excuses to skip it.

For older adults who’ve experienced a fall in the past, this fear can be especially strong. If your parent seems nervous about bathing or avoids it altogether, they might need safety modifications in the bathroom or personal care at home to feel more secure about showering.

Physical Challenges or Mobility Issues

As seniors age, they may develop arthritis, muscle weakness, or balance problems that make it harder to shower, dress, or groom themselves.

Simple tasks like stepping into a tub, bending to wash their legs, or lifting their arms to shampoo their hair can become painful or exhausting.

If you notice your parent struggles to move around the bathroom or seems tired after small tasks like brushing their teeth, they may need some extra help.

Personal Care at Home Hernando TN - Signs Your Senior Parent Needs Personal Care At Home
Personal Care at Home Hernando TN – Signs Your Senior Parent Needs Personal Care At Home

Skin Problems or Infections

Poor hygiene can lead to skin issues like dryness, rashes, or infections. Seniors are especially at risk of fungal infections in areas like their feet or under skin folds, as well as sores or irritation from not washing thoroughly.

If you notice redness, peeling, or a persistent smell, it could mean they’re not keeping their skin clean or moisturized and they may need help keeping up a skincare routine.

Forgetfulness About Hygiene

Cognitive decline, such as dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, can cause seniors to forget basic hygiene routines. Your parent might not remember to take a shower, brush their teeth, or change their clothes regularly.

They might also lose track of when they last bathed, resulting in longer periods between showers. If you see these signs, they may need reminders or a caregiver to help them stay on top of their hygiene needs.

If you or an aging loved one are considering Personal Care at Home Services in Hernando TN, please get in touch with the caring staff at Senior Solutions Home Care. (901) 300-8576

Senior Solutions Home Care is a Trusted Home Care Agency serving Memphis, Germantown, Collierville, Lakeland, Hernando, Olive Branch, Arlington, Atoka, Southaven, Bartlett, Marion, Shelby County, and surrounding areas.


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