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In-Home Care Germantown TN - Spectacular Cleaning Tips for Seniors
In-Home Care Germantown TN - Spectacular Cleaning Tips for Seniors

Spectacular Cleaning Tips for Seniors

Here are some cleaning tips for a senior to use this summer, or just simple things to keep in mind. Getting extra help could also assist in their effort.

As summer continues to head towards you, flowers continue to bloom, bugs and bees spread pollen, allergies get worse, and more seniors will need to clean their homes. However, as seniors age they may want to clean less and this can be a problem. If you notice your loved one’s house is becoming messy and unmanageable, in-home care providers can help a senior manage their home and life.

Here are some cleaning tips for a senior to use this summer, or just simple things to keep in mind.

Hire More Help

There is no shame in needing more help especially when a senior is living alone. Your loved one may not be able to move as well as they used to and this can mean cleaning, cooking, and even personal hygiene is something they do not focus on. In-home care are professionals who can help do basic cleaning and organization. If your loved one needs more help with cleaning they may need to consider hiring a professional housekeeper who can provide deep cleans in places that hold the most germs like the bathrooms and kitchens. With both in-home care and a housekeeper your loved one can maintain a healthy home and life.

Declutter First

Always declutter a space before you start cleaning. If there is too much stuff around a wet floor it can be absolutely deadly. It is important to throw things away, create space, and then start deep cleaning. A senior should always declutter with caution because throwing things around or keeping things in the middle of the floor can also be a tripping hazard. In-home care can help ensure things are being sorted through and that all walkways and pathways are clear for your loved one to move about.

Keep Screens On Windows

If your loved one suffers from allergies but wants to allow fresh air in the house, they should keep the windows open but also keep a net or screen on the window. This will limit allergens and pollen in the house and keep the home feeling fresh but also a lot cleaner. It can be easier to manage when nothing can sneak in through the windows and that is a great tip for the spring and summer.

In-Home Care Germantown TN - Spectacular Cleaning Tips for Seniors
In-Home Care Germantown TN – Spectacular Cleaning Tips for Seniors

Take it Slow

A senior may be able to clean all by themselves but it can take time. A senior should never rush doing things because that is when mistakes happen and when things can get dangerous. If they move too fast across a wet flood it can cause them to fall, if they bleach too much and move on it can cause fumes, and if they try to move too fast things can go wrong. If they need help slowing down but ensuring everything gets done, this is something in-home care can help them with.

Avoid High Places

When a senior is trying to clean high places they may be tempted to get on a ladder or step-stool but this can be dangerous. Instead of using storage overhead, everything should be within arms reach. Anything higher should be left to professionals who can sort through and clean everything, even adult children.

If you or an aging loved one are considering In-Home Care Services in Germantown TN, please get in touch with the caring staff at Senior Solutions Home Care. (901) 300-8576

Senior Solutions Home Care is a Trusted Home Care Agency serving Memphis, Germantown, Collierville, Lakeland, Hernando, Olive Branch, Arlington, Atoka, Southaven, Bartlett, Marion, Shelby County, and surrounding areas.


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