Senior Care News


Tips For Unifying A Senior’s Care Team

Helping Care Teams To Work Together

Just like seniors who live in assisted living or nursing home facilities, seniors who live at home rely on support and care from multiple people. These caregivers could include relatives, friends, or outside caregivers. In order to provide the best possible care, it is crucial that all of these caregivers find strategies to work as a team.

The Importance Of Staying In Sync

Excellent caregiving is a huge asset to seniors who live at home; however, if a caregiving team gets out of sync:

  • Medications get mixed up
  • Stress levels rise
  • Lapses in scheduling occur
  • Uncertainty about which tasks were completed occur
  • Appointments are missed
  • Symptoms go unnoticed

How To Choose A Team-Oriented Caregiving Agency

Do not assume that your home care agency prioritizes teamwork. Instead, look for agencies that have:

  • Existing plans for communicating with family members
  • A proven track record of good reviews from clients and their family members
  • Online portals like Clear Care’s Family Room that make teamwork effective and efficient
  • A senior-centered, dignified perspective on care

Click here to watch an informational video about Family Room.

Ways to Coordinate Care as a Team

At Senior Solutions, we know that helping a senior enjoy life safely within their own home requires organization. Use our tips to coordinate safe care effectively:

  • Hold regular meetings
  • Agree on communication guidelines like:
    • What are the best times for updates?
    • When is the best time to regularly check in about upcoming needs?
    • Who should be contacted in case of an emergency?
    • Who is authorized to make what kinds of decisions?
  • Post these communication guidelines where all caregivers can see them.
  • Consider using an app to make staying organized even easier.

Home Care Tip: Seniors appreciate their sense of independence and their ability to anticipate who will help them each day. Be sure your seniors know who is on their caregiving team and when to expect each caregiver to be around!

Kunu Kaushal
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