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Senior Home Care Atoka TN - Why Senior Home Care Should Encourage Walks
Senior Home Care Atoka TN - Why Senior Home Care Should Encourage Walks

Why Senior Home Care Should Encourage Walks

Senior home care can have huge advantages for many seniors and will encourage seniors to go on as many walks as they can throughout the day even if it's just within a house.

Moving as much as possible in your elderly years has amazing benefits and it will help keep seniors aging in place for as long as possible. The more they move around by walking the more independent they will remain. However, just because they are independent does not mean they won’t need help around the house or even help moving around. Senior home care providers can have huge advantages for many seniors and senior home care will encourage seniors to go on as many walks as they can throughout the day even if it’s just within a house.

Here is why senior home care is encouraging elderly people to walk more.

Walking Lowers the Risk of Bone Loss

As a senior gets older their bones naturally become more brittle and the less a senior moves the more likely they are to break their bones. Many seniors worry about osteoporosis and for a good reason this is bone loss and it means a senior’s bones break easily. One of the best ways to keep up bone strength is by walking every day and this is something that senior home care can help with. Walking is a weight-bearing exercise and will help keep your loved one’s bone from becoming too brittle, it will help them maintain weight, balance, and coordination. This is crucial for any senior who wants to age in place for as long as possible. Senior home care can help encourage them to move for 15-30 minutes each day but also remind them to listen to their bodies and how they are feeling.

More Movement Means Better Sleep

Your senior loved one should be sleeping for at least seven to eight hours every single night. The times at which they sleep may shift but the actual amount of sleep they get should never vary. Their bodies need rest to recover from the day they’ve had but if they are not moving around enough they might have extra energy making it much harder to sleep. A senior who is constantly in motion and walking will burn off extra energy and it may help them feel more tired at the end of the night when they need to recover from the day. A senior who is not moving enough may feel antsy and like they don’t need to sleep because they are hanging on to all of the energy from the day. This is one of the main reasons why senior home care should encourage your loved one to add walking into their daily routine.

Senior Home Care Atoka TN - Why Senior Home Care Should Encourage Walks
Senior Home Care Atoka TN – Why Senior Home Care Should Encourage Walks

It Helps With Appetite

There are so many reasons why a senior may not eat as much as they used to. They may not taste or smell things well, they may not be able to chew, or they may feel like they have no appetite. When seniors move less they may not be hungry because they don’t need to replace calories. When seniors move around more they are constantly burning calories which helps their metabolism and digestion but it also might make them more hungry. If they are burning calories they need to replace those calories which can help them eat more and maintain a healthy weight.

If you or an aging loved one are considering Senior Home Care Services in Atoka TN, please get in touch with the caring staff at Senior Solutions Home Care. (901) 300-8576

Senior Solutions Home Care is a Trusted Home Care Agency serving Memphis, Germantown, Collierville, Lakeland, Hernando, Olive Branch, Arlington, Atoka, Southaven, Bartlett, Marion, Shelby County, and surrounding areas.


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