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National Grandparents Day 2018

Don’t Forget About Grandparents Day

Sunday, September 9

Grandparents Day was a big deal in elementary school. Teachers would excitedly count down the remaining days until Grandma and Grandpa would be sitting with us in class! Then when the big day finally arrived, we’d lead them over to our cubbies, and introduce them to our friends. We’d show them how to get to the cafeteria and the gymnasium, and where we liked to play during recess. We’d relish in showcasing all of our school accomplishments because everyone knows that nobody brags like a proud grandmother does.

So, why is it that Grandparents Day seems to remain in elementary school, even when grandchildren grow up? Why do we see advertisements and announcements for Mothers’ Day and Fathers’ Day, but never ones that remind us of the day specifically set aside to cherish relationships made between grandparents and their grandchildren? It often seems fitting, in fact, that the holiday’s national flower is the ‘forget-me-not,’ and that it falls each year on the Sunday that follows Labor Day weekend, a busy and chaotic vacationing season.

Here at Senior Solutions Home Care, we see firsthand how much grandparents really do treasure their grandchildren, and we assure you that these feelings do not stop after elementary school. We may be with them every day, but it is you that they remember, and you that they constantly speak of as we cater to their needs.

For this reason, we challenge you to make this Grandparents’ Day the best one you and your grandparents have had yet. You’ll find that a Grandparents Day that is not sponsored by your elementary school is even more fun, and the options for awesome activities are endless! Check out some of our suggestions below!

Bake Treats

Before recipes, there were grandmothers and even grandfathers who knew their way around the kitchen. There is something about watching someone cook without the assistance of Pinterest or Google, that really puts things into perspective. Get out your old school pen and paper, or iPhone Notes app if you must, and take these recipes down! One day, you’ll make the same desserts with your own grandchildren, and the beautiful cycle will continue for generations to come.

Go For A Walk

There are so many beautiful parks in Tennessee that make for the perfect for a walk-and-talk session. Lookup parks in your area, and you’ll be shocked at how many are close by! If you yourself have kids, bring them along too, as many parks have play areas for the little ones, and the fact they are lucky enough to get to meet their great-grandparents should not be overlooked!

Share Stories

This activity can be done anytime and anywhere, but there are several ways to make it extra special on Grandparents Day. Take your grandparents to their favorite restaurant, and ask them to recall memories made with their own parents and grandparents, perhaps even learning to cook their favorite meals. Ask them about their favorite music, and bring some along to whisk them back in time. Really listen to what they are telling you! Though Grandparents are such great listeners themselves, they also have many years over yours, and with that, a bounty of wisdom to share.

Go On A Local Adventure

If you’re located near Nashville, Grandparents Day this year happens to fall on a pretty exciting day! Bring them to see A Midsummer Night’s Dream in Centennial Park, The Symphony Under the Stars at the Ascend Amphitheater, or to admire the flowers in the Cheekwood Botanical Gardens. Take advantage of the Greek Festival, which is hosting its closing night on Grandparents Day. Even if you already have plans on Sunday, your grandparents will love celebrating the holiday whenever you can make it happen. On September 12th, it’s Senior Night at the Tennessee State Fair, and they can gain admission for only two dollars each!

If you are not local to Nashville, rest assured that there are endless activity options no matter where you live! Go fishing, golfing, shopping, or swimming. Visit museums, aquariums, zoos, or monuments. See live music, art shows, public speakers, and book signings. If your grandparent has trouble getting around, bring the fun to them! Rent a movie, build a puzzle, or just sit on the front porch, and cherish the moments you have left together. At the end of the day, you’ll only regret the times not spent with those who care about you more than they do themselves. Give them a day to remember!

Kunu Kaushal

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